Here the 'shit' is Writing.
Writing is difficult, I'll say very difficult. I have thousands of things to say but when I sit to write a single word doesn't come out.
In fact, this is the very reason that I changed the title of this blog.
Initially, it was going to be "Why I want to Write" I had the entire script ready in my head but when I opened the window poof I was blank AF !!
And this is why I want to do it because it is difficult. It's very easy to have ideas/thoughts in your mind, you don't even have to make efforts in it, they come automatically. But the difficult part is when you have to express them.
It's very difficult to put them in words and especially in a way that conveys the message easily.
But but but the main reason that I want to write is to THINK !!
If people cannot write well, they cannot think well. And if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them. —George Orwell
All of this started when I was reading "The Rudest Book Ever" by Shwetabh Gangwar where he highlighted the difference and importance of " What to Think vs How to Think". And there he also talks about how we say 'I think' but in reality do we actually think?
We are constantly consuming some or the other thing and never really just sit and think. In fact, most people including me are afraid of it, I remember very clearly that once there was a time when I could not just sit alone without consuming anything because then thoughts would come to me and I would get afraid of them.
Then I read the article Why You Should Write by David Perell, it inspired me to write daily and publically.
So I made this very simple kaam chalau website/blog and started writing. I wrote for 2 days then stopped.
Then today I came across another blog which led me to another blog where I read this:
Writing is the pursuit of thinking clearly with the help of paper. Writing slows down your thinking so you can dance with your ideas. —Julian Shapiro
So finally I sat down to write this particular blog.
In conclusion, I want to write because I want to think and make my thoughts more clear, precise, crisp, and presentable.
Let's hope I won't be a cozy lazy cutie panda this time and write consistently.